Attempting to reach the sundrop… To catch and carry the tear that held the light within, to cry sun, to hang sundrop crystals near windows to capture the blaze and transfer it into hue cycles. Recognising that light is a body, akin to the air you swallow and the throat that expels water into space. ‘For had the sun not glinted on the black glove, I might not have seen the rat; had the rat not been there, I might not have noted the bottle cap, and so on.’ (Vibrant Matter, by Jane Bennett). Halfway spaces happen where you can listen to the ticking light as light transfigures into space and sound. Tension due to copper wires which eventually open the light to go pee at 2 o'clock in the night in a room where one is dwelling for the first time. Occupying spaces in institutions via a lamp attached to the ceiling, as a method to share and to create support. You will not feel you must earn the right to occupy space. Buildings as support. Architecture as structures that you can hold and hold you. Still, sometimes you need sunblinds to separate the room into sun-lines.