A/M #6: As we drift in the simmering pot - things boil under the lid

Locatie: Nieuw Charlois, Rotterdam
Datum: vr 10 mei t/m zo 02 jun.
Poster 2 2

I am walking home:

we move 

we make

flavours in our mouth.

Lines of my hands build new paths 

I am walking home under a very specific moonlight 

It’s like the hospital light (silence)

(all the happenings in the long white hall)

I am walking home





Each bowl is a carrier

the night is still quiet

(the sound of a gentle whistling)

each stone - their own

all our hands meet

all our hands make 

(flavours in our mouth)


Whenever my heart was hollowed out, 

I filled it 

(with stones)


I am walking home

(the night is still quiet)

After a while my body became 

a very specific moonlight which is overshining everything

It tastes yellow.